1. Christmas was a riot, plenty of regulars present meant alcohol all around and midnight shift was a breeze. Ritz and Bobby got wind of how much j’adore their matching chains and left the pair for me as a Christmas gift, which was of course broken by the end of the night.
  2. A debauched mess, me, rushing to the bar hollering “DOM PERIGNON! I NEED A BOTTLE OF DEEPEE PLEASE! DOM PERIGNON, JOHNNY!!!”, a trail of order chits, credit cards and tips in my wake. Then, as I pivot wildly, welding the champagne like a truncheon, my fiery centrifugal momentum is halted by a hand on my chins. A vision of God’s gift comes into sight, smouldering ; Jack is in the club!
  3. Thence I suffered my first emotional upheaval of 2007. Look, I cannot help it if my feelings are wired directly to my eyes and Jack is the poster child for beauty so effusive it should be outlawed.
  4. Thank you for blowing my mind again.

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