First week away from school and I have been… unproductive – Silas in the day, frappas in the afternoon, and beers all night, talking to Adam who tells me too much fun will kill me. “If this is fun for you, you need to stop having so much of it”, sniffed Jinesh as we drove to spend a Holland Village Sunday, throwing our cares into the weekend air.

In the Marmalade Pantry he sniffs again abstrusely at my “unadventurous” taste, judging and dismissing my brownie from beyond a sticky red date toffee pudding. All this pomp and circumstance, yet I was sitting on a plastic Ikea chair (and also I don’t like cake). Sunday afternoon sullenness.

Moderation and self-discipline. What are they? How can one achieve these qualities/elevated states of being/enlightened modes of thinking?

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