i’ve had the worst week. ever. seriously, some supersonic loving is in hand and oh about three centuries worth of pure unadulterated sleep.
non-sequiter at the factory. ritz bounces over. “you like luke right?” “luke?” “the policeman during halloween!” “what?!” “yeah he’s cute he’s cute la!” ritz bounces off. egads! one definitely does not want one’s boss to know that she has intentions on boss’ friend and for the record, i do not harbour any of course.
four huge mural projects are due next week and that’s with the weekend factory shifts and two lungs full of phlegm which is getting frankly rather worrying.
edit: and then i am tranced out staring at some random video in the midst of this paintandpaper strewn table, dirty fingers smudging the keyboard and coffee EVERYWHERE. i’m hardly cognitive anymore. not even to judge my reflection before heading to the schools. as jinesh says, i think i’ve discovered an alltimelow.

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