this week’s been an absolute whirlwind of affairs. handed in the dreaded portfolio on monday and of course hidayah had to squawk about lateness and whatnot. repressed folks. tuesday – rounded up lessons at raffles which’ve been dragging on for the last five months. the kids there are fabulous to teach. headed to lasalle a last time on weddie with agri to hand in her portfolio and to collect my grades two days late as usual. found out mine’s been sent to the dean for some review and i can only hope it isn’t bad news. grimace. had the delivery man move a 2.4m x 2.4m twelve-part mural home while halfway through an insitu 2m x 9m. it’s a suicide mission. a short dinner with sheryl at newton on thursday damn i am so feeling meegoreng right now and on friday night whambam i fell in love again.
oh wells. it’s been the most hectic seven days ever and if there’s anything that came out of it, it is that we can finally choir, in rigorous gusto, fuck you school.
the parentals have left on a roadtrip to malalysia and silas has been strangely reluctant to let me out of his sight ever since. the manja ten pound bodyguard. twenty eight designs to churn out tomorrow morning why does this feel so much like lasalle? I AM WORKING THE FREAKING HIGHWAY BABY HERE’S TO THE MONTHLY MILLIONSES.

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