My pencil case broke! A sure mark of industriousness.
In a school where my classmates struggle to string a coherent sentence, essay assignment time is my ticket out of the ass-end of the bell curve. It’s simple. A strong introduction and thoughtful conclusion, a story in between. More importantly, beautiful “intellectual-looking” but hard-to-read cursive handwriting and lots of vocab to thoroughly discourage anyone from reading beyond paragraph two.

<A not-so-hypothetical situation>
Sheryl : Let’s make more money so we can go to Khao San
Me : Gotta find a wall to paint then.
<Cue Pink and the Brain soundtrack>


this week’s been an absolute whirlwind of affairs. handed in the dreaded portfolio on monday and of course hidayah had to squawk about lateness and whatnot. repressed folks. tuesday – rounded up lessons at raffles which’ve been dragging on for the last five months. the kids there are fabulous to teach. headed to lasalle a last time on weddie with agri to hand in her portfolio and to collect my grades two days late as usual. found out mine’s been sent to the dean for some review and i can only hope it isn’t bad news. grimace. had the delivery man move a 2.4m x 2.4m twelve-part mural home while halfway through an insitu 2m x 9m. it’s a suicide mission. a short dinner with sheryl at newton on thursday damn i am so feeling meegoreng right now and on friday night whambam i fell in love again.
oh wells. it’s been the most hectic seven days ever and if there’s anything that came out of it, it is that we can finally choir, in rigorous gusto, fuck you school.
the parentals have left on a roadtrip to malalysia and silas has been strangely reluctant to let me out of his sight ever since. the manja ten pound bodyguard. twenty eight designs to churn out tomorrow morning why does this feel so much like lasalle? I AM WORKING THE FREAKING HIGHWAY BABY HERE’S TO THE MONTHLY MILLIONSES.

i swear i am terminally ill. it’s one thing to be too sick to go to school for submissions, and another to be too sick to even sit up altogether. i have never known my olfactories to spew so much phlegm and the fever’s just starting. my body’s aching and tender all over and still i’ve gotta haul my ass to teach at red swastika the next two mornings and that’s not forgetting halloween on saturday night. and thursday’s flea market. i think i will just stagger to school with a whole stack of mcs and personally ask mimi and vincente for extensions till next week. somebody give me some good ol’ luurvin’ please like right now.


this entry ends the trippiest schoolweek ever. it started with our reflective journal submissions. the fact that i’ve only completed ten pages out of the requisite hundred, and still was thirty minutes late, should be a pretty sweet indication of where my academic career is heading. feh. yulius was sick so the girl and i booked out to catch a horror movie, returned thirty late for mimi, went to the library gathered a ton of books for some downanddirty research work, procured a nice space to ourselves and promptly slept.
come tuesday. illustration which was heading nowhere so we snuck out mid-class for lunch. welcome to lasalle. had a random windy evening at suntec and returned late for printing class. we were home by nine after which i spent two days dreaming of a typographic universe. i blame it on the lack of sleep and mimi, whom justin has a crush on. ginette on thursday afternoon. agri and i arrived in school half an hour after lecture started, spent another half hour debating whether to go in and decided to have lunch with vincente afterall while everyone else was at class. our adherence to routine is amazing ; we are actually rather punctually late for school! haha props to agri, my lovely fellow perpetrator of scholastic crime. remember its ten pages of research over the weekend so work some magic baby.